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News and Views from CARBON COUNTER

LoRaWAN sound level monitoring R&D
A client, with a LoRaWAN gateway sending electricity, gas and water data into BlueSkies, asked Carbon Counter for sound level monitoring.

Talkpool OY1310 Single-jet LoRaWAN Smart Water Meter Review
Cost effective water sub-metering | near real-time data A client had specified using the Arad Gladiator integrated LoRaWAN water meter...

Arad Gladiator LoRaWAN data integration R&D
The BLUESKIES AMR portal is hardware agnostic - ready for Arad Gladiator LoRaWAN data integration R&D Software scripts / coding is...

Sensing labs optical pulse counter
Sensing labs optical pulse counter
Quick and easy access to electric data | zero disruption installing and fitting electricity monitoring

Data gathering using LoRaWAN
LoRaWAN and Internet of Things devices are being rolled out around the world in many sectors, including Energy Monitoring for SMART cities.
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